Christina Applegate Nominated for WebMD Health Hero

Client CHRISTINA APPLEGATE, founder of RIGHT ACTION FOR WOMEN, has been nominated as for the 2015 WedMD's People's Choice Health Hero award! You can vote for her now >

RIGHT ACTION FOR WOMEN provides aid to individuals who are at increased risk for breast cancer and do not have insurance or the financial flexibility to cover the high costs associated with breast screenings. Applegate's foundation teams up with ASICS America and It's A 10 Haircare to promote breast cancer awareness, early detection education, and to support her foundation's fight against the disease.

Tie The Knot Launches "The Justices"

In anticipation of the Supreme Court's decision on marriage equality, client TIE THE KNOT has launched a supremely funny video staring co-founder JESSE TYLER FERGUSON urging people to send save-the-date wedding invites as part of their Supreme Save The Date campaign.

Earlier this year, TIE THE KNOT announced their Supreme Save the Date campaign in partnership with the Martin Agency. The campaign aims to send thousands of save-the-date invites to the Supreme Court Justices to remind them their decision affects countless same-sex couples around the country waiting for their right to say "I do!"

In this new sketch titled "The Justices," Jesse plays the roles of numerous justices reenacting an "actual phone call...that might happen in the near future" when the justices are bombarded with wedding invites.

Watch the video below, which premiered on Funny or Die, and learn more about the campaign at

Jason Mraz Visits Burbank Elementary

As part of his commitment to arts education and environmental sustainability, JASON MRAZ visited his TURNAROUND ARTS school - Burbank Elementary in San Diego - to continue his partnership with the school as they continue to integrate arts and hands-on environmental studies with their school work. 

Up and coming recording artist Cody Lovaas also joined Jason to perform for the students and visit their community garden.

Mraz has been an ambassador to Burbank Elementary since May 2014.

Cyndi Lauper Visits Los Angeles

Yesterday, CYNDI LAUPER visited Los Angeles to host a special event to tell her story of being a former homeless teen and what inspired her to found the TRUE COLORS FUND in 2008 in an effort to end LGBT youth homelessness across the country. 

The event, held at a supporter's home in Beverly Hills, brought together over 100 individuals from the media, philanthropy, business, and the entertainment industries so that they could learn more about the TRUE COLORS FUND's daily efforts to combat youth homelessness and expand the Los Angeles supporter base.

Cyndi spoke about the research and efforts conducted by her foundation. An estimated 500,000 to 1.6 million youth are homeless each year, and 40% of said teens identify as part of the LGBT community; only 7% of the general youth population identifies as LGBT. The TRUE COLORS FUND seeks to raise awareness about and bring an end to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth experiencing homelessness.

Tie The Knot At The Supreme Court

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court once again heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of marriage for same-sex couples. The Court is expected to release its decision in late June.

TIE THE KNOT co-founder Justin Mikita was present on the steps of the high court handing out free bow ties as part of the #TieTheKnot4Equality campaign which asked marriage equality supporters from around the world to take photos of themselves wearing bow ties in solidarity with the legal teams arguing for the freedom to marry. The campaign, spearheaded by HAWKINS MIKITA, had tremendous support on social media and bow ties were even worn by many of the lawyers and plaintiffs whose cases were before the court.

Tie The Knot also handed out save-the-date cards at the steps of the Supreme Court so that marriage equality supporters and couples waiting to marry could participate in the Supreme Save The Date campaign.

Watch the video below to see how our day went with TIE THE KNOT.